To post your add here in "Place2buy" you must follow all the terms and conditions applied. Failing to do so will result instant reject and deletion of your posting.
- All post will be monitored and will be approved before published.
- There will be no selling drugs, bombs, weapons, humans or any illegal item,product or service in this web.
- No web links is allowed in your post.
- We will inspect and check your posting if there's any other exact / similar to your post, posting tittle will be edited by us if any so it can be search in search box.
- All published postings will be deleted / removed after 3 months automatically.
- We are not responsible for:
- any product, item, service posted by our customers.
- any payment matter (Deal are done by you and advertiser.)
- any legal or summons related to posting either from buyer or seller.
- any lost or damage to all product, item or service posted by our customers.
- any delivery.
- any SCAM, SPAM, MLM or what so ever such as them
All new posting will be approved within 24hrs and notification email will be sent to seller when post is approved and published.
All pictures must be in JPG or Jpeg format only, size must not exceed 250k per pic. Maximum of 3 picture is allowed for each post.